White Coin white paper.
At the same time Crypto has been growing at an accelerated rate, has suffered devastating blows to its reputation from the likes of FTX, NFTs, and the menagerie of Shit-coin pump-and-dump scams. These unfortunate events have given the public pause before investing in lesser-known coins.Even while White Coin is currently in shit-coin territory, aspires to be different than the shit. As the creator and primary investor in White coin, I hold myself to the highest standards of integrity concerning transparency over my stake, the exact profit-taking amounts, and where the money goes. (see Coin Details)
Popularity permitting, I'd like to see the coin get past the inital pump-and-dump phase to where it's stable enough to safely take profit. To achieve this, I solemnly promise to leave my investment in White Coin for one year. And after you've read this page, hopefully you'll think it's a worthwhile investment too.
White Coin differentiates itself in three ways
First, it will prove that trust comes from people and not technology.
~ Since I'm placing such a high premimum on trust, you can be sure this paper will serve as the definitive statement of truth for all things White Coin.
Second, as a white man leading this project, will continue to demonstrate that white people are amongst the most trustworthy.
While I'm sure other owners have made philanthropic promises before, I vow that a portion - that remains to be determined - of the proceeds will go to sponsor white advocacy groups. This alone sets White Coin apart from any other philanthropic, or indeed coin, ever conceived.
Why white advocacy and why crypto?
First, crytocurrencies are impervious to debanking. Second, no one else is doing it. Third, it's my belief that white people are under an enormous existential threat. We are the only ethnic group for which the largest proportion of our population (the middle class) has zero political power in our own countries. Consider the fact that white people represented 85% of Donald Trump's voters in the last election and yet never once mentioned in any of his political speeches, nor will we be. This is not unique to Donald Trump unfortunately, but endemic to mainstream politics.
I suppose the term anti-white is used by some, but as you'll read, calling out anti-white bigotry is not necessarily pro-white. It's also interesting that, and while Trump endlessly panders to blacks, fails to name Indians. I suppose Indians would rather remain nameless as they steal from whitey under the cover of policies like H-1B. Because white people are creators and builders of prosperous societies, we don't need to steal from other groups to thrive. We do, however, need to be protected by our governments.
Saying something is “anti-white” is not the same thing as white advocacy.
While I don't want to completely dismiss the work of political commentators such as Tucker Carlson and Matt Walsh for calling out anti-white bigotry, it's not as much help for white people as you might think. People in white advocacy circles are probably hoping exposure to these anti-white nutjobs will eventually convert subscribers to white advocates. Maybe it will. Unfortunately, most viewers of Walsh and Carlson's content absorb the drama like a junky does drugs - comfortably getting their fix but never maturing beyond it.
While white advocacy has other tenants, the most important one is the belief that white people have the right of self-determination which is the right of a people to have a homeland based on race, ethnicity or any other thing that unites them.
White people build high-trust societies. So, when white societies lose trust due to third-world immigration, we, like any other oppressed people, start building alternative communities where we can survive.
I believe we're seeing the beginning of this with organizations like “Return to the Land” which aims to return traditional European living and education to white people in the Ozarks. While White groups like RTL are aggressively dissuaded from forming by our Federal government, out-of-touch, or incompetent, leadership at the highest levels, plus a shift in public sentiment, may prevent the regime form stopping them in many states. And even though money is exceedingly tight in these small groups, are starting to thrive due to the promise of a wholesome, and prosperous future for white people.
The founders of BLM had hundreds of millions donated from Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) which was all squandered due to internal corruption and theft. Today BLM is nothing more than a discredited shell with their most recent, pathetic appearance at the summation of the Daniel Penny trial.
Even though we're forced to give homage every year to black history and civil rights, I maintain no black movement has ever been legitimate.
Why will white advocacy work?
First, white advocacy isn't contrived like Civil Rights was by the Jews. ~ If blacks were truly Americans they wouldn't need Civil Rights; the Constitution would be enough as it has been for white people for 300 hundred years prior.
Even without political power or NGO cash, white advocacy will grow as white people learn the truth of their dispossession and replacement.
In a speech given roughly 4 years ago, Joe Biden admitted white people were being replaced - "White people like me of European descent will be an absolute minority". He went on to say "It's the source of our strength". You don't need to be part of the United Nations to understand how genocidal those statements are. (Biden's Speech)Replacement (or habitat loss in technical terms) is not the only way in which whites are being pressured. Loss of resources through government spending is also occurring. One of the biggest transfers of wealth has been brought on by “Climate Change” propaganda. If you want to understand the most egregious, anti-white indictment of the Climate-change propagandists, look no further than the concept of “Climate Justice” that wishes to "donate" billions of white, taxpayer dollars to the third world as reparations for damages due to “Climate change” ostensibly caused by white industries like oil and gas.~ Parenthetically, it's interesting how “Global” Climate Change only seems to affect the third world. And I thought it was Global.
The White Coin project endeavors to help end this white, genocidal trend by giving serious cash to people and organizations dedicated to its reversal. People and organizations under consideration for donation are:
- Vdara (Veronica Dare)
- American Renaissance (AmRen)
- Red Ice radio (RedIce)
- Woods and Town (@KeithWoodsYT)
- Joel Davis (@JoelDavis)
- Blackpilled (Blackpilled)
- Return to the Land (Return to the Land)
- Patriot Front (Patriot Front)